8 unknown facts about evolution of human. That we probably don’t know.


4.5 billion years ago earth was born. The first organism formed on earth is the Prokaryotic cell and multi-cellular organism formed in 570 million years ago from now. We know about evolution from the fossils.
65 millions years ago mass extinction occured on the earth. After this, many animals and plants were destroyed.


  1. After 18 million years of mass extinction(47 million years ago from now) Darwinius were born in this earth. They look like monkeys and cannot stand on their feet.
  2. After that, Darwinius Aegyptopithecus appeared on the earth. Approximately 25- 30 million years ago from now. They can stand on their feet because they were Vertebrates.
  3. And then finally comes Australopithecus (4.5 million years ago from now),which was the first organism that could move like a man.
  4. After that Australopithecus Homogenous came in the world, 2.9 millions years ago.
  5. Then Homos species and then Homo habils are the descendants of Homogenous, which could walk, run and move. Genus homosapie and Homo ergaster were first originated in Africa.
  6. 8 millions years ago, we started the utility of fire. 3.3 million years ago, we learned to make stones useful. We learned to make weapons with stones.
  7. Two million years ago, we were born in the world, first as Homo sapiens. Because of Homo Ergaster, Eargasters left Africa and come to Asia. Then they spread out from Turki and China, and because of some reason they disappeared from this world. Then the Homo sapiens were only left in the world. And started spreading around the world. (60,000 years ago, from now)
  8. At the end, Homo sapiens are our real ancestors. Because of their complex language, culture and agriculture they have survived in this world.

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